<b>A Educação Ambiental na educação de jovens e adultos</b>
Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Meio Ambiente. Educação Ambiental.Abstract
This work verified which the environmental knowledge brought to the school by pupils of the modality Adult and Young Education of that way it reflects the trends of the Eviromental Education as Transversal Subject in this modality of education. In such a way, it identified, in ten pupils of the room term in the modality of the Adult and Young Education - EJA, in basic education in a state school in the Vale do Paraíba Paulista, demographic data, environmental knowledge and proenvironmental behaviors are of the school. The data, gotten through questionnaire, had been analyzed on the basis of the indications of literature, on Eviromental Education and Adult and Young Education. The age, between 21 and 40 years, and the work as reason to abandon the school in the regular age of basic education the national standards are lined up it. The environmental knowledge shows the agreement of the interaction between the diverse elements of the Environment and the paper of the man in the creation and the solution of the environmental problems. One standes out of the analysis the relevance of the environmental knowledge of the participants and the paper of the school in the constitution of this knowledge. It is concluded for the recommendation that is reviewed the pedagogical proposal, the plan of management and the plan of education, on the basis of the recognition of the specification of the modality of Adult and Young Education and the treatment of the Enviromental Education as Transversal Subject, as it praises the National Curricular Parameters.Downloads
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How to Cite
Bertolino, M. L. (2010). <b>A Educação Ambiental na educação de jovens e adultos</b>. Revista Didática Sistêmica, 6, 1–21. Retrieved from https://seer.furg.br/redsis/article/view/1237
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