A história da construção do modelo de produção tradicional do direito internacional
Modern State, Sovereignty, Sources of International LawAbstract
This text aims to demonstrate how the history of international law and scientific paradigm of modernity influenced the normative structure of this legal branch. In this sense, initially we will go through the stages of the formation of the Modern State, the concept of sovereignty and the positivist doctrine, pointing out throughout the article how such elements can be resized nowadays. The mechanistic episteme and the historical events that marked the birth of modern States are highlighted by the founding dogmatic structure of international law, which is the theory of sources exposed by article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. The immanence of this legal conception is criticized since currently both the figure of the State must be revisited and the scope of its power in (international) normative action. The methodology used is legal-normative. Secondary data is used as a result of international doctrine and jurisprudence.
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