Physical Education, Humanized Training, Sensitive ListeningAbstract
Developed from the experiences produced in a University Extension project called Adapted Physical Education Pedagogical Practices for People with Disabilities, linked to the Adapted Physical Education Laboratory of the Federal University of Espírito Santo-LAEFA/CEFD/UFES, it aims to reflect and discuss the ongoing training of teachers, mediated by a humanized perspective, and supported by sensitive listening, based on the actions that occur in the project. In the moments of pedagogical planning, the emerging/fundamental problematizations of this research were constituted by sensitive listening, we designed the methodological path followed, in the attempt of this case study to enable the description of actions, capture meanings and analyze interactions, without detaching them from the context in which that manifest themselves. The research subjects were made up of a coordinator (professor with a PhD); a teacher with a degree in Physical Education, four scholarship holders in the training process, coming from the Undergraduate course in Physical Education; four interns, also from the Physical Education Degree; two master's students and three doctoral students, who systematized the planning collectively in meetings. We concluded that ongoing training, guided by humanizing, democratic, critical, ethical, aesthetic and loving principles, encourages the protagonism of those involved, thus favoring the promotion of pedagogical practices inclusive.
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