Bad luck is not loving black kittens!
Anti-speciesism, Black Cats, City, Children, Public schoolAbstract
The article presents considerations about expensive thematic to the authors and that concern the city, children and animals. It brings an excerpt from research carried out in the Graduate Program in Education, at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG, in which the researcher professor investigates anti-speciesist pedagogical practices developed with children in two public schools, in the city of Rio Grande, RS. It points out that speciesism and dehumanization are two sides of the same coin and serve to maintain a system that excels in exploiting all forms of life, according to its conveniences. The article also considered the public school as a very important institution for anti-speciesist actions and confirms that the fight against barbarism should be the main objective of education. The authors bring to the center of the debate the specific case of the black cat stigmatized by ancient beliefs that place it as a systematic victim of violence that includes its death. They defend their lives and dignified living, as a right to be defended by those who are authorized to call themselves human. One of the works developed by the researcher teacher at the school problematizes, through dialogue with young children, reasons to love black cats and cats of all other colors as well. The results are impellers, as they denote a change in children's conceptions and attitudes towards the issue of anti-speciesism.
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