an analysis based on Paulo Freire's reflections





Information and Communication Technology, Teaching over the Internet, Dialogue, Paulo Freire method


Dialogue is not simply transmitting information; it only occurs with the other and requires a practical transformation. Based on the Theory of Dialogical Action proposed by Freire (1987), this article aims to understand how digital social networks can be used to promote dialogue in favor of education. Theoretical contributions such as the organization of society in networks (CASTELLS, 2020) and academic research on the approximations between digital media and education (GOMEZ, 2015) (MARTINO, 2015) also helped to reference this study. In it, phenomenology was used as a method, in which exchanges between Instagram users were analyzed when sharing content about scientific research. The results showed that the interactions established on Instagram present characteristics of dialogue, but cannot be classified as a dialogic action. The problem, however, is not with the digital social network, but with the use made of it.



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How to Cite

Moretti Schneider, M. F., Sant’anna Ramos Vosgerau, D., & Fonseca Duarte Fernandes, L. . (2023). DIALOGUE IN DIGITAL SOCIAL NETWORKS FOR EDUCATION: an analysis based on Paulo Freire’s reflections. Momento - Diálogos Em Educação, 32(01), 215–238. https://doi.org/10.14295/momento.v32i01.14173