An analysis of the Civil Engineering curriculum from the perspective of the competencies indicated in Gaia 2.0: Contributions to the common world that aims to form a culture focused on sustainability
Undergraduate education, Sustainability policy, Skills.Abstract
A culture focused on sustainability requires the formation of competences by individuals and institutions. The Gaia 2.0 Hypothesis is based on the elements: self-trophy, Networks and Heterarchy that have strong outlines concerning sustainability. The article aims to verify how these elements can be evidenced in the Sustainability Policy of the UTFPR and the curricular matrix of the Civil Engineering course. About the evidence related to the insertion of the concept of sustainability, the curricular matrix presented 9% (n=61), and the elective subjects 25% (n=51) presented related themes. The conclusion is that training focused on sustainability in the analyzed Civil Engineering graduation depends more on the student's choice than on the mandatory training of the courseand the Sustainability Policy is not yet fully inferred in the curricular matrix.
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