Avaliação e Currículo no evento da ANPED: fundamentos e práticas de Educação Ambiental
Systematization of Evaluation, Socioenvironmental, Curriculum, ANPEDAbstract
The environmental education (EA) is present in all of the social discussions, being extremely important within the educational landscape, mainly nowadays. In this context, the objective of this research is centered in investigate about the assessment in the process of including EA in the curriculum, in works from the National Association of Postgraduate Programs and Research in Education (ANPED) in Working Group (GT) 22, respective to EA from the year 2007 to 2021, which were selected through the words: curriculum and assessment. The research is qualitative in which a mapping of the fundamentals and practices of EA in the analyzed works was made, in which EA practices such as interviews, conversation circles, workshops of the future and projects involving the whole community and that intend to be continued were found. In this way, we reinforce the importance of systematization of EA in the curriculum to integrate the practice of environmental education transversally.
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