The (re) generation of human condition: the Aesthetic-Environmental Education
la Educación Estético-Ambiental
Aesthetic-Environmental Education; Aesthesical and aesthetic regeneration; Sensitization experiences.Abstract
The work analyzes the anti-aesthetic and anaesthesical impact of the social-environmental crisis on human condition, and the process of its regeneration through Aesthetic-Environmental Education (AEE). Based on an outline of the causes that have led to disharmony in human and non-human nature, and consequently, to the loss of aesthetic sustainability in the process of natural-historical development of the Homo sapiens species, which reveals the role of aesthetic-environmental sensitization (AES) in the preservation and/or rescue of the “aesthetic” senses. Finally, it alludes to the experiences of aesthetic-environmental sensitization with students, art instructors, teachers and members of the community, in educational spaces in Brazil, Cuba and Chile.
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