Um olhar para dentro: A perspectiva identitária em a cor da ternura, de Geni Guimarães


  • Emanuelle Valéria Gomes de Lima Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Maria Simone Nogueira Marinho Universidade Estadual da Paraíba



Literatura infanto-juvenil, Literatura afro-brasileira, Identidade


 The traject of infantile’s and juvenile literature in Brazil is marked by a aesthetic homogeneity that not matches with the diversity and pluriethnicity existing in the country.  So, there is a produtions disparity that presentes (themes about racism, sexism, and so on in its plots). The cenary begins to modify, particularly since the years 1990 and after the promulgation of Laws as Federal Law 10.639/2003, changed to 11.645/2008, both with the objective of disseminating African, Afro-descendant and Indigenous History and Cultures in Brazilian Basic Education. These Laws were made after pressure from black movements. The democratic action efects of insertion of the black and female segment also takes place in the publishing market that for long time made it difficult to publish marginalized writings, especially in the field of infantile’s and juvenile publishing. Therefore this paper wants to analise the book A cor da Ternura by Geni Guimarães, black and poor woman who survived the racist and misogynist social environment, developing a look inside herself, which overflows in a sensitive and playful literature. Throught from autor’s perpectives like Hall (2002), hooks (2019), Kilomba (2019) among others, we analyze the work's protagoniste, also called Geni, under the black identity construction point view.


KEYWORDS: Infantile’s and juvenile literature. Afro-brazilian literature. Identity.

Author Biographies

Emanuelle Valéria Gomes de Lima, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Literatura e Interculturalidade (PPGLI/UEPB).

Maria Simone Nogueira Marinho, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Professora Drª. do PPGLI (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura e Interculturalidade) da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.


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How to Cite

Gomes de Lima, E. V., & Nogueira Marinho, M. S. (2023). Um olhar para dentro: A perspectiva identitária em a cor da ternura, de Geni Guimarães. Revista Eletrônica Interações Sociais, 6(1), 46–61.