<b>Utilização da modelagem para análise da relação entre turismo e Educação Ambiental</b>


  • Ana Figurelli


Turismo. Educação Ambiental. Modelagem.


We believe in an association between Tourism and Environmental Education, but it is still questioned and its path is too little explored. Therefore, this paper’s objective is to search for an alternative way to assure that Tourism can be a way to educate the population about the environment and, at the same time, make use of the Environmental Education tools for its own benefit. In order to do that, here we use the modeling technique that, throught its diagrams, allows the visualization of real situations, their influences and possible future behaviors. We first wrote about the relation Tourism - Environmental Education, then about modeling and models and finally about semiquantitative and quantitative modeling tools. In this last moment, we gave emphasis to the VISQ and STELLA computing modeling programs (semiquantitative and quantitative, respectively) and built models with it about the discussed theme.


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Author Biography

Ana Figurelli

Possui graduação em Turismo pela PUC-RS e é Mestre em Educação Ambiental pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação Ambiental da FURG. Tutorial para cadastro de autores no sistema

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes



How to Cite

Figurelli, A. (2010). <b>Utilização da modelagem para análise da relação entre turismo e Educação Ambiental</b>. Revista Didática Sistêmica, 6, 107–123. Retrieved from https://seer.furg.br/redsis/article/view/1244



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