Human Rights Education, Casa Foundation, Political-Pedagogical Project, Educational measuresAbstract
The work, the result of a master's thesis, addresses Human Rights Education (HRE) in the context of institutions that shelter adolescents who are serving a socio-educational measure of admission to the CASA Foundation, in the state of São Paulo. The objective is to identify contents, values and practices converging with HRE present in the CASA Foundation's Political Pedagogical Projects (PPPs). The approach to the problem is qualitative and its objective is exploratory. The documents analyzed are: PPPs of the CASA Foundation detention centers, Children and Adolescents Statute, National Social-Educational Service, National Plan for Human Rights Education, National Human Rights Program 3 and National Guidelines of Human Rights Education. The bibliographical research brings authors who have been addressing the issue of Human Rights Education in Brazil and Latin America. Two PPPs were analyzed, a convenience sample, through a matrix elaborated from the indications and recommendations of the cited reference documents. The results revealed that the expressions Human Rights and HRE appear explicitly few times in the analyzed documents.
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