Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Water-Oil Flow in a Horizontal Pipe Using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Two-phase flows, Smoothed Particle HydrodynamicsAbstract
In this work, the numerical code DualPhysics, based on the Lagrangian particle and mesh free method Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, has been employed to solve the slightly compressible isothermal two-phase water-oil flow. The continuity and momentum equations are solved, and we used the modified Tait equation of state to determine the pressure. To validate the numerical code, we solved the modified Couette flow of two fluids. As a practical case, we solved the isothermal and two-dimensional two-phase water-oil flow. The mixing of the fluids occurs after passing through a 45 degree Y junction placed at the entrance of the horizontal pipeline. Results showed the potential for using the numerical code, although some modifications and alterations are still necessary to solve practical problems.
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