Autoconhecimento e transdisciplinaridade

diálogos com Basarab Nicolescu sobre ambiente, educação e novas tecnologias


  • Samuel Lopes Pinheiro Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG



Environmental Education, Interview, Self-knowledge, Transdisciplinarity


The following work is the transcription of an interview and its dialogues, conducted in February of 2020 with Dr. Basarab Nicolescu, an exponent in the development of Transdisciplinarity in the world. The first part of the text proposes a contextualization of the moment when this meeting took place, in Paris - France, still at the beginning of the pandemic. Subsequently, we have a part of the conversation dedicated to reflection about some of the concepts worked by Transdisciplinarity and how the subjectivity issue is dealt with; another section of the dialogues is dedicated to the concept of environment, as well as the concepts of entropy and neguentropy; and at the end, questions about new technologies and education. All these questions are in intimate connection with the theme of self-knowledge. 


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Author Biography

Samuel Lopes Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG

Doutor em Educação Ambiental PPGEA/FURG. Graduação em Letras Português e Inglês (2013) e Administração (2008). Atualmente atua como professor de português como língua de acolhimento para estrangeiros através de projeto no CELE/FURG. Membro do CIRET (Centre International de Études et Recherches Transdisciplinaires) na França e CETRANS (Centro de Educação Transdisciplinar) no Brasil.


NICOLESCU, Basarab. The international congress of transdisciplinarity. Their importance for the emergence of a transdisciplinary methodology. An interview given to Augusta Thereza de Alvarenga. In: Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion. V. 3 Bucharest, Romania: Curtea Veche Publishing House, 2008.

PIAGET, Jean. L’épistémologie des relations interdisciplinaires. Dans : L’interdisciplinarité : problèmes d’enseignement et de la recherche dans les universités. Paris: OCDE, 1972.

PASQUIER, Florent; NICOLESCU, Basarab. To be or not to be Transdisciplinary, That is the New Question. So, How to be Transdisciplinary?. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science,v 10, 2019.



How to Cite

Lopes Pinheiro, S. . (2023). Autoconhecimento e transdisciplinaridade: diálogos com Basarab Nicolescu sobre ambiente, educação e novas tecnologias. REMEA - Revista Eletrônica Do Mestrado Em Educação Ambiental, 40(2), 195–211.