Water, air and soil – Analysis of ideas revealed by 1st CEB students and contributions to environmental education.
análise de ideias reveladas por alunos do 1.º CEB e contributos para a educação ambiental
Water, air and soil; , Prio ideas, Environmental EducationAbstract
The study aims to know the ideas of a group of students in the 3rd and 4th years of schooling regarding water, air and soil, as well as some of the associated environmental problems, contributing to the design of more appropriate environmental education projects.
Methodologically, the study was based on the analysis of the content of the answers given by the students to three open questions, the content of the pictorial representations subordinated to the same themes and the respective oral explanations. The ideas expressed reflect a very close reproduction of the contents worked in class, with pictorial representations associated with places/reality close to their daily lives. Some students revealed ideas associated with environmental problems that were not addressed in class, allowing them to perceive the construction of non-formal knowledge, which had been carried out in the meantime. Some students resort to fantasy when portraying the causes of the environmental problems they refer to.
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