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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

I - Submission Format of Papers

Papers must be submitted in the JURIS Journal Template.

  1. Articles can be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, or French.

  2. They should contain between 15 and 25 pages, including text and bibliographic references. Publications outside these parameters may be evaluated by the editors but are not recommended.

  3. The article should include the following parts: Title in English; Abstract; Key words; Título (in Portuguese); Author(s); Resumo (in Portuguese); Palavras-chave (in Portuguese); Introduction; Development (content subdivision into numbered sections), Conclusion, and References.

  4. The title of each section should be written in uppercase and bold. All sections should be numbered, except for the References.

  5. The title of the work should be in font size 14, bold, and centered, written in uppercase.

  6. Three spaces below the title, the Abstract should be placed, with up to 250 words, single spacing, and font size 10. Below the abstract, keywords should be listed, with single spacing and font size 10.

  7. The title in English, centered, in lowercase, font size 12. After the title in POrtuguese, the abstract and keywords follow, with single spacing and font size 10.

  8. Papers should be prepared on A4-sized pages, with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman font size 12, with 2.5 cm margins on each side, and justified alignment.

  9. Citations in the text should follow the AUTHOR-DATE system (referring to the reference list). The reference list must adhere to the updated NBR 6023 standard.

  10. Only explanatory footnotes, always concise and numbered throughout the text according to ABNT, font size 9, will be admitted.

  11. Illustrations and analogs: illustrations, tables, formulas, and graphs should appear in the most suitable sequence for understanding the text, with their respective titles or captions. Figures should be the size intended for the final publication. Letters and numbers should be perfectly readable, and photographs should be in black and white, clear, and well-contrasted.

II - Submission Procedure for Papers

  1. Papers should be submitted via OJS, without element(s) identifying the author(s). Author(s) information will be recorded in the system at the time of submission.

  2. Articles will not be accepted if at least one of the authors is not a doctor or master, and they can be produced together with masters and/or master's students. In the case of foreign articles or those judged as important for publication, the academic title may be omitted, entering the journal under the quota of invited authors.

  3. Papers with a maximum of three authors will be accepted.

  4. All authors must be registered on ORCID and provide the number in the corresponding field at the time of submission. More information at:

  5. Acceptance of papers: each paper will be analyzed by ad hoc reviewers in the respective area. The reviewers' opinions will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee, which will forward them to the authors for review and necessary modifications. In case of disagreement between the two opinions, a third reviewer will be appointed. The final version of the paper must be returned to the Committee on a date to be established via OJS.

  6. Before submitting the article, ensure that all authors are registered on the journal's platform with their respective metadata inserted (see the author's registration data with the Journal).

  7. Mandatory fields to be filled include: full name, email, country, LATTES URL (for Brazilians), ORCID, institutional affiliation, and a brief curriculum.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.