Influence of information criteria choice on the proportion of non-rejection of the null hypothesis of the ADF test considering the presence of unit roots


  • Anderson Silveira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande/Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Rio Grande, RS, Brasil
  • Mariane Coelho Amaral Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - Rio Grande, RS, Brasil
  • Viviane Leite Dias de Mattos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - Rio Grande, RS, Brasil
  • Luiz Ricardo Nakamura Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
  • Andrea Cristina Konrath Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Florianópolis, SC, Brasil



Unit root test, Information Criteria, ADF


One of the various techniques used for time series analysis is econometric analysis, where in many cases it is necessary to verify the stationarity of the series. A non-stationary series presents the presence of unit roots, which makes it unsuitable for making forecasts. In this context, the so-called unit root tests have emerged, among which the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test stands out. One of the crucial steps in applying the ADF test is the selection of lags. To select the lags to be applied in the test, it is necessary to define a maximum number from which the ideal number to be used in the ADF application will be selected. This ideal number can be determined with the aid of information criteria, such as the traditional AIC, BIC, and HQC. This study evaluated the influence of the choice of information criteria on the test result, considering the presence of unit roots. After the construction of scenarios, application of tests, and analysis of variance, no evidence was found that the choice of information criteria can interfere with the rate of non-rejection of the null hypothesis in the ADF test.


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How to Cite

Silveira, A., Coelho Amaral, M., Leite Dias de Mattos, V., Nakamura, L. R., & Konrath, A. C. (2023). Influence of information criteria choice on the proportion of non-rejection of the null hypothesis of the ADF test considering the presence of unit roots. VETOR - Journal of Exact Sciences and Engineering, 33(2), 11–16.




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