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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Files for submission should be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF or LaTeX format, following the templates available in Microsoft Word and LaTeX (in the case of LaTeX, figure files and bib file are required). The LaTeX template is available at The Word template is available at
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication by another journal. Papers previously presented at conferences, congresses, and the like may be submitted provided that: (i) the authors have authorization from the copyright owners and (ii) with the condition that they are substantially extended, improved and revised versions of those previously presented at the events. The footer of the first page of the paper should include the information that "This paper is an extended version of the paper presented at [Name of Event], held at [Place and Date]".
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors in the About the Journal section, and the journal's template (LaTeX or Word) was used.
  • All the Internet page addresses (URLs) included in the text (e.g. are active and ready to click.
  • At least one of the authors has a PhD.

Author Guidelines

1 - VETOR - Revista de Ciências Exatas e Engenharias is a biannual publication of unpublished works related to the Engineering and Exact Sciences, under the most varied approaches. Papers with interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. Papers previously presented in congresses, conferences and the like may be submitted provided that (i) the authors have authorization from the copyright owners and (ii) with the condition that they are substantially extended, improved and revised versions of those presented at the events.

The original manuscripts can be written in English or in Portuguese. In the case of papers written in Portuguese, the title, abstract and keywords in English should also be presented.

Use the font STIX2, size 10 pt ( Fonts can be obtained from in the form of a compressed file (for example). Details of font installation for use in Windows and Mac OS environments are also described at

Authors are required to use LaTeX or Word templates for submission. The guidelines presented here are detailed in the templates.

2 - It is suggested that manuscripts submitted to VETOR contain the following sections: Abstract, Keywords, Resumo, Palavras-chave, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions, and References. The Materials and Methods section may be replaced by another section more pertinent to the manuscript (e.g. Mathematical Modeling). The Abstract should be in English.

The Introduction section should describe the importance of the work, review recent articles related to the topic and present the objectives of the manuscript.

The information in the Materials and Methods section should be clear, concise and objective, and should allow other researchers to correctly identify experiments, methodologies, procedures and the reproduction of results obtained. The instruments, specialized equipment and software used must be described as to their origin (make, model, country).

In the Results and Discussions section, it is suggested to combine texts, tables and figures appropriately in order to produce a consistent text, easy to read and continuous. Do not present the same data in the form of figures and tables. The results should be correlated with those found in the literature.

The Conclusions should be presented objectively and clearly, allowing the reader to identify the scientific contribution of the work, the most important points found, the contribution of the advance to knowledge and aspects that deserve future research.

3 - Equations should be centralized and numbered when referenced in the body of the text. References to equations should be in the format "Eq.", numbered in parentheses and separated by single spacing, as in Eq. (1).

At the beginning of a sentence, references to equations should be made without suppressing the corresponding term, using "Equation". Vectors and matrices are represented by a bold symbol . Do not use arrows or other symbols to indicate vectors and matrices.

Derivatives should not be italicized. Likewise, logarithms and exponentials should not appear in italics.

4 - Figures should be centered in the body of the text, with the legend positioned below the figure. Figures should be provided in high resolution, preferably in vectorized formats such as .pdf, .eps, or .svg. Raster images should be at least 600 dpi. Ensure that text in figures is of adequate size and legibility. Figures may be in color or black and white.

References to figures should be in the format "Fig.", with the figure number separated by a single space, as in Fig. 1. At the beginning of a sentence, references to figures should be made without suppressing the corresponding term, using "Figure.

The source of the figure should appear below the legend and centered.

5 - Tables should be centered in the body of the text, with the legend above the table. References to tables should be written in the format "Table", separated from the table number with a single space. Units of measurement should be inserted as text without italics.

Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns or delimit tables. Excessive use of horizontal lines should be avoided.

6 - References to algorithms should be in the format "Alg.", separated from the algorithm number by a single space, as in Alg. 1, with the legend positioned below the algorithm.

7 - References should follow IEEE style (IEEEtran class in LaTeX), using numeric format. Here are examples of some common types of references:

  • Journal article [1];
  • Book [2];
  • Article in conference proceedings [3];
  • Chapter in a book [4];
  • Self-titled book chapter [5];
  • Master's thesis [6];
  • Doctoral thesis [7];
  • Technical report published by an institution [8].


[1] P. Adams, M. Goslin, and J. Snow, “The title of the work,” The Name of the Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 201–213, 2019.

[2] P. Babington, The title of the work, 3rd ed. Berlin, Germany: The Name of the Publisher, 2018. Available at:

[3] P. Draper, “The title of the work,” in Anais do XX Encontro Nacional de Modelagem Computacional, V. Piper, Ed. Salvador, Brasil: The Organization, 2020, pp. 213–220. Available at:

[4] P. Eston, Title of the work, 3rd ed. Rio Grande, Brazil: The Name of the Publisher, 2011, vol. 4, chap. 8, pp. 201-213. Available at: 

[5] P. Farindon, “The title of the work,” em The title of the book, 3rd ed., J. Hoover, Ed. London, United Kingdom: The Name of the Publisher, 2017, vol. 4, chap. 8, pp. 201–213. Available at:

[6] P. Harwood, “The title of the work,” Master's thesis, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemas e Processos Agroindustriais, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Santo Antônio da Patrulha, Brazil, 2021. Available at: 

[7] P. Joslin, “The title of the work,” Doctoral Thesis, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Computacional, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo, Brazil, 2019. Available at: 

[8] P. Lambert, “The title of the work,” The institution that published, Ilhéus, Brazil, Technical Report 2, 2014. Available at: 

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